Pastor Peter’s Pod

Pastor Peter’s Pod

Greetings fellow Ilamites!
Two short weeks in a row, school holidays … and COVID. There’s lots upsetting the rhythm of life recently. I hope that you are managing to thrive – or, at the very least, coping ok if you are affected by sickness at the moment.
We’ve been glad to be able to help people out with Pulse Oximeters – all of the 5 we purchased are currently “out” and in use (which is where they should be!). The stock of meals in the church freezer has also been reducing. Do keep in touch if you need support or assistance at all – we’re very aware that COVID is hitting people very differently, and we’d like to be able to help where we can.
It’s been really encouraging to be able to meet at the school these last 2 Sunday mornings and catch up a bit with a wider group of people. Our services are slightly ‘pared back’ (and well-ventilated – for which read “chilly”) but it feels like everyone is keen to gradually re-connect. Please do remember to stay away, however, if you or anyone in your household is feeling unwell. And please remember to bring a face-mask and practise social distancing while indoors!!
The Roster!
I hate to say it, but we have re-instated the Service Roster for Sundays, now we’re planning services for Term 2. Helen and I put together a draft roster a couple of weeks back, and invited some of the service leaders and musicians and technical people to start offering some slots – it’s now going public for all of you to think about where you’d like to help out (and when). The Roster Link is in the newsletter – please have a look and add your name in where you can!
This Sunday
We could do with a couple more musicians and singers for this coming Sunday, if you’re up for it! Also, someone to help with setting up before the service. Please add your names!
As usual, please get in touch with any of the staff if you have any concerns or questions about anything.
Bless you heaps