Pastor Peter’s Pod

Pastor Peter’s Pod

Kia ora e te Whānau
Another week rolls by (!) but against the backdrop of some really big picture happenings: COVID making its presence felt more widely, the anti-mandate protests in Wellington and elsewhere, and – of course – the horrific situation in Ukraine. There is a lot to absorb our minds sitting uncomfortably in the background at the same time as we also have to make everyday decisions around managing our lives and our families and our work while trying to stay safe and well. Strange – and tense – times for us all! We are praying for you!
We’re aware that more and more Ilamites are becoming directly affected by the COVID situation – with family, workmates, fellow-students etc becoming unwell. More of us are having to consciously monitor our health as we are in varying degrees of contact with those who have been infected. The next few weeks will see things ramping up, so vigilance is important!  Please keep in touch with the staff team and let us know how you’re doing – and, especially, if any COVID cases arise within your household or your Ilam group, and also where you know of situations where some support could be helpful for somebody in particular. We’re well stocked with meals in the church freezer, and we’ve already been helping out with some grocery shopping and library book collecting.
Steph Wood – Pastoral Leadership Training
On a totally different track – I mentioned last week that Steph has started out on a 3 year journey to train through Carey Baptist College in the pastoral leadership training programme – alongside the theological study she has been doing for a couple of years now. Have a look at this short interview with Steph to find out more:
Steph Wood Interview Link
Ilam in Groups
Thanks to everyone for your patience and perseverance as we meet in smaller groups each week. It’s not ideal in many ways, and not what we would really like to be doing. However, for the moment it is safer – and, let’s face it, gives us the chance to explore what we really miss about meeting at the school so that we can prepare for some great reunions when we’re able to meet back there!! In the meantime, let’s “be” church for each other as much as we can, by meeting when we can, keeping in touch with each other, and encouraging, supporting and praying for each other.