Ilam, Advent, COVID-19 and Traffic lights

Ilam, Advent, COVID-19 and Traffic lights

This Sunday marks the start of Advent 2021 – the season of the church year when we turn our focus onto Christmas and all the meaning that flows from that. For many Christians, Christmas is as important as a celebration – if not more so – than Easter. It is the time we remember In the words of John’s Gospel 1:14  And the Word became flesh, and lived among us. We gazed upon his glory, glory like that of the father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (NT Wright’s New Testament for Everyone)

Helen is leading us through Advent; there will be some family activities which we’ll introduce, and there will be two “Knitivities” going around. (We’d love to see each home visited by a Knitivity – with the sense that we are all participating together in an activity, that can also be a blessing!)

Advent is also coinciding with the Government’s proposed move from the current system of 4 COVID Alert Levels to the new “traffic Light” system. The Governance Team meets on Wednesday evening to make some decisions around the way ahead for Ilam and how we will respond. Precise details around some aspects are still being rolled out by the Government – and the Baptist Union has a Response Team in place who are constantly updating us on implications of what is required.

Whatever decisions we reach as a Governance Team, they will be firmly rooted in our Ilam values – here’s 3 of them which will be key to our decisions:
Being a community where everyone experiences grace, feeling loved and wanted, connecting to each other and with God.
Affirming each other in our joys, sorrows, struggles, strengths and weaknesses, allowing our true selves to be known so that we can be Christ for each other.
Everyone participating together in community life, and in so doing discovering and using our gifts and drawing out and developing each other’s strengths and passions

I’ll update you on any decisions in next week’s Newsletter.

As it is Advent, when we gather we are aiming to sing! That means that we will have a music team leading us when we are at the hall. And for singing, please note that the Governance Team has required that face-coverings will be worn – as will be the case in our larger gatherings for the time being.

In terms of the plan for the coming Sundays:
November 28              Alert Level 2, meeting at the school (max 100 people) with overflow at 51 Ilam Rd, and a separate small group on the south side of town for those hesitant to come to the school. Experimental Livestream.
December 5                (Traffic Lights). Ilam in Groups
December 12              (Traffic Lights) subject to Governance Team decisions, meeting at the school, with Livestream, separate group options
December 19              Ilam in Groups
December 25              Christmas Day service at the school

(There will be no Sunday services on December 26 or January 2)