Posts by Ilam Contributor

Posts by Ilam Contributor


Development is trying to find better ways for people to relate to each other and the environment we share, and then figuring out strategies for how we get there. Complex and challenging – I love it. I work at many different scales that this year have included:- a mental health system of Western Afghanistan, response to climate change at global and local scales, a district level integrated development programme in Cambodia, Community mental health in India…but where is God in…

Musing from India

In the past couple of months I have felt a little overwhelmed by the enormity of evil and general chaos, environmental damage, social injustice that seems to prevail in every direction I look. I have been thinking about how two key Biblical teachings on personal disciplines, turn out to be also very sound advice endorsed by the ‘evidence’ base of scientific studies. The first of these is in Philippians 4:8 – “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,…