Reflections and Resolutions
I find there is something really nice about the fresh start that New Years can bring. Yes, technically it is just an arbitrary date no different from the day before or the day after. But to me with everything wrapping up for Christmas, my birthday in early January and my siblings heading back to school and leaving for tertiary study later on in February, it definitely feels like a time of change.
Over the last few years I have enjoyed taking time to reflect on the entire year in a sort of recap-style journal entry. This involves going through my camera roll (to remember what actually happened) and listing (because I am too lazy to write full “dear diary” sentences) every new thing that the year brought. Some 2024 firsts include hosting a flat warming, running a half marathon, travelling to Asia, and visiting Wharariki Beach. I also mark every tramping tramp or holiday away from home. As well as my highs and lows for the year.
This annual journal entry somehow solidifies the past year. I feel more settled and ready to face the year ahead. Like in any journal, it also means I can see patterns and growth from looking over previous years. I am not pedantic enough to do this reflecting exactly on the 31st every year but on a misty morning in the Cobb Valley on January the 5th, I giggled and cringed, flicking through previous entries.
Reflecting on the past year, naturally makes me think about what I want to focus on in the year ahead. Very on brand for a history major. Sometimes I make goals, other times I just come up with a theme. Having spent a lot of last year sick and burnt out, this year I want to focus on getting strong and healthy. I also want to get better at saving money and figure out what to do with my degree… Here’s to another year. How exciting!