Helen 02/05/2024

Helen 02/05/2024

This week at my hospital work we have shared a couple of devotions reflecting on Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4: 35-41. One of our chaplains has lived most of his life by the sea and spent time reflecting on how knowing the weather and particularly storm patterns means he feels calmer in the storms. He has a deep connection to the whenua he lives on and spends lots of time in, on and watching the sea. This gives him confidence because he has a sense how nature will behave and acts accordingly. I know I’m an anxious flyer but I notice when I spend time with people who work with or love aeroplanes that their understanding of how they work both in the production, safety tolerances and flying regulations of the aircraft gives them confidence in the planes and the pilots. Another chaplain shared a story about a particularly rough plane journey that was distressing for a lot of the passengers on board. There was also a young girl who sat and read throughout the flight with no signs of concern or panic. When they landed other passengers asked her why she was so calm. The young girl replied that she knew the pilot, he was her dad and she knew he would bring her safely home. We reflected on two things. 1. That our experience of going through the storms of life can give us confidence that we will get through the next one that comes along. Joy Cowley says we grow in storms and not so much in comfort and that process of growth is important for us learning the lessons of this life. And 2. We also reflected that our relationship of growing in knowledge of God’s love for us, like the most loving parent imaginable (and more than we can imagine) can give us the confidence that God is with us during all the storms of life and they will bring us through, however that may look. I have appreciated reflecting on this story throughout the week.