Helen 22/03/2024

Helen 22/03/2024

Next Friday our Emma flies to France to begin a school exchange for a month. It’s so exciting for her. There are 5 students going from Burnside High School and then in July we will host 5 students from France. We’re in the busy phase of planning and preparing to pack. A few people have asked me how I’m doing with thinking about Emma being so far away. Mostly I’m excited for her but I do get a bit nervous from time to time. Helping with my worry though is a special connection that I have with Emma’s French teacher. I got to know Stacey when I worked at Rochester and Rutherford Hall as a chaplain. Stacey was on the trust board running the hall. I know how lovely and caring she is and that she will be a beautiful supportive person who will look after the kids so well. For me, it feels like a gift from God for this mother’s heart! It’s weird how God sometimes seems to answer prayers so perfectly and sometimes there seems to be no answer.  I hold gratitude for this alongside a big mystery box (Sean spoke about this the other week and I think it’s such a helpful image) of all the other things in this world that are hard and that God seems so silent about. There is so much I don’t understand about this beautiful terrible world we live in but somehow I have to believe that Emmanuel – God with us is present in each and every place and situation. Much love to you all this week. Helen