

I really enjoyed the service on Sunday about Waiting and it really resonated with me and the stage of my life that I have been in. I have been waiting for an opportunity to do more and not really knowing what that looks like, a job, more study, carrying on volunteering. I have been applying for jobs, relieving, filling in for Andrea while she’s been away and doing voluntary work. I have also been patiently waiting on the Lord. I have been going up the hill behind our house sitting on the seat by Rapaki track and just sitting and waiting and listening. It has not been easy as I have had job rejections or perfect looking job opportunities go to someone else but I have remained faithful that God is in control and that the door would open to the right opportunity. Last term I was lucky enough to be able to fill in for Andrea at Ilam. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the Ilam Admin and doing something completely out of my comfort zone and skillset. I have also had the opportunity to coach Penelope’s school netball team, which I also enjoyed among other things.

Towards the end of last term I applied for a part time job at Northcote school and although I didn’t get that job the Principal offered me a job share with another new teacher for a newly created Year 1 class. It is a very exciting opportunity for me as I haven’t had my own class since before Hannah. I am looking forward to teaching again, to being part of a team and to having a more predictable structure in my week. I have felt very blessed to have had the last year off to wait to see what is around the corner. Often when waiting for something we are anxious and unable to settle – but in my time of waiting I have learned to seek God, to sit, to be still and to have faith that my life is in the hands of my faithful Saviour. God only wants the best for me and I am learning to not worry in the waiting but to be thankful for the opportunity to just be.
