Posts by Rachel Lonsdale

Posts by Rachel Lonsdale

Slowing Down

This week I am teaching full time and have thrown myself wholeheartedly into it. Yesterday after doing a full days teaching I carried on working on my computer into the night and although at the time I felt great, this morning I woke up with sore shoulders from bending over the computer and was verging on a migraine. Thankfully a full blown migraine never actually came and although I was a bit sore and achy today I managed to get…


I really enjoyed the service on Sunday about Waiting and it really resonated with me and the stage of my life that I have been in. I have been waiting for an opportunity to do more and not really knowing what that looks like, a job, more study, carrying on volunteering. I have been applying for jobs, relieving, filling in for Andrea while she’s been away and doing voluntary work. I have also been patiently waiting on the Lord. I…