Posts from March 2017

Posts from March 2017

Musing from India

In the past couple of months I have felt a little overwhelmed by the enormity of evil and general chaos, environmental damage, social injustice that seems to prevail in every direction I look. I have been thinking about how two key Biblical teachings on personal disciplines, turn out to be also very sound advice endorsed by the ‘evidence’ base of scientific studies. The first of these is in Philippians 4:8 – “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,…

This week’s service (12/3/17)

Deborah Lewthwaite will be leading our service at Ilam School Hall and Peter Hart will be speaking on Gospel of Mark: 9:29 – 10:52: Gathering Storm. We will be hosting a BBQ lunch following church to welcome any new students. Please bring a salad or fruit to share if you are not a visitor.